Policy Papers

Members of our statewide influential Learning Community formed seven Work Groups to connect, listen, learn and share ideas about specific topics of family success on a more intimate level. These small thinktanks brought the perspective of practitioners, parents and families into critical policy development.

Each Work Group developed policy recommendations that will positively impact New Jersey families. These recommendations were published in Policy Papers and brought to the Learning Community for discussion and planning.

To learn more about each Work Group’s Policy Paper, or to connect with a group’s convenor to share an idea or information, click on the Work Group section below.

Early Childhood Success

The Early Childhood Success Work Group authored a powerful Policy Paper that has resulted in local action and state consideration.

Work Group Facilitators:

Gloria Aftanski

President & Chief Professional Officer, United Way of Central Jersey & Board Member, The Family Success Institute

Carolyn McCombs

Executive Director, New Destiny Family Success Center & Board Member, The Family Success Institute

Positive Youth Development and Strong Transitions to Adulthood

The Positive Youth Development Work Group authored a Policy Paper with recommendations to support the development of all New Jersey school-age children 9 through 18 years old.

Work Group Facilitators:

Retha Onitiri

Executive Director, New Destiny Family Success Center & Board Member, The Family Success Institute

Erica Harris DeValve

Director of Strategic Initiatives, The Family Success Institute

Racial and Ethnic Equity Leadership Team

This Work Group took on the vitally important work of ensuring issues were examined through the lens of racial and ethnic equity, and hosted sessions for the entire Learning Community to understand and grow.


Carolyn McCombs

Executive Director, New Destiny Family Success Center & Board Member, The Family Success Institute

Financial Security

The Financial Security Work Group developed a holistic policy framework to transform government programs and resources to enable children and their families to succeed in life.

Work Group Facilitators:

Charlie Venti

Board Member, The Family Success Institute

Timothy Carden

Executive Director & Board Member, The Family Success Institute

Jorge Cruz

Executive Director, LISC – NJ

Parent Leadership & Community Voice

Understanding that parents have much to offer, this Work Group started from a strength-based place for parents, and invited them to define parent leadership.

Work Group Facilitators:

Kathy Roe

The Family Success Institute Board Member

Diana Cooper-Vanderlip

President/CEO, Community Planning & Advocacy Council

Fathers And Families

Fathers, either biological or those adults that play the “father” role to their children and families, are crucial to the fulfillment of the family success vision. The Fathers & Families Work Group gathered to find ways to empower fathers and conveyed that fathers were of vital importance to family success.

Work Group Facilitators:

Karen Andrade-Mims

Former Executive Director, The Father Center of New Jersey

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