Invest in Success, Divest from Distress

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For too long, family policy, funding and practices have focused on reacting to family distress after the fact, instead of proactively investing in opportunities for positive family and community outcomes.

We promote transformational thinking and action to INVEST in SUCCESS, and DIVEST from DISTRESS.
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“Our sacred responsibility is to assure that our families, caregivers and neighborhoods have the skills, resources, motivation, and support they need to successfully guide their children, our children, in their journey from birth to adulthood.”
- Former Mayor of Newark and Current US Senator Cory Booker

What We Do

Offering a guiding framework for thought, discussion, planning, action and evaluation.

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Strategies & Initiatives

We promote public dialogue, learning and coalitions for policy change.

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Learning Community

Join our collaborative group of local leaders.

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Our Vision

For every family and community to successfully raise their children from birth to young adulthood and beyond.

Mission Statement

To assure that all families have what they need to succeed as a right, not a privilege.

Conditions Of Success

We focus on positive life journeys and the resources essential for success.

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Supporters & Funders

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